Creating the perfect commercial playground is a rewarding and challenging endeavour that requires a thoughtful approach, as it involves providing an engaging, safe, and inclusive environment for children of all ages and abilities.

In New South Wales, businesses, councils, schools, and other organisations looking to install a new playground must ensure that it not only sparks joy and captures the imagination of children but also adheres to the highest safety standards, promotes durability, and fosters an inclusive atmosphere. 

A well-designed playground can become the beating heart of any community, promoting physical activity, social interaction, and cognitive development in children, while also offering a space where parents and caregivers can bond with their little ones.

Safety Features

Safety should be the primary concern when it comes to commercial playground equipment. To minimise accidents and injuries, consider integrating the following safety features:

Soft surfacing: Install impact-absorbing surfaces like rubber mulch, poured-in-place rubber, or synthetic grass to cushion potential falls.

Age-appropriate zones: Designate separate areas for different age groups, ensuring that each section has age-appropriate equipment and safety measures.

Fencing and barriers: Enclose the playground with fences or barriers to prevent children from wandering off and to keep animals out.

Rounded edges and corners: Choose equipment with smooth surfaces and rounded edges to minimise the risk of injuries.

Safety railings: Install safety railings on elevated platforms and walkways to prevent falls.


Commercial playground equipment should be designed to endure the test of time and weather elements. Invest in high-quality materials such as stainless steel, aluminium, and durable plastics that are resistant to corrosion, rust, and UV damage. Additionally, ensure that all equipment is correctly installed and securely anchored to prevent accidents.

Inclusive Design

Inclusive playgrounds cater to children of all abilities, allowing everyone to play together. To achieve this, consider the following design elements:

Accessible paths and ramps: Provide smooth, slip-resistant pathways and ramps for wheelchair users and those with limited mobility.

Sensory play: Incorporate elements that engage the senses, such as musical instruments, textured surfaces, and colourful panels.

Adaptive swings and seats: Include equipment with adaptive seating options, such as high-backed swings and moulded seats, to accommodate children with physical disabilities.

Quiet spaces: Designate areas for children who may become overwhelmed by noise and activity, offering a calming environment for relaxation.

Entertaining Climbing Structures

Climbing structures provide opportunities for children to develop physical skills, strength, and coordination. Consider incorporating various climbing elements, such as:

Rock climbing walls: These offer a fun and challenging experience, suitable for a range of age groups and abilities.

Rope ladders and nets: These encourage balance and coordination while building upper body strength.

Monkey bars: A classic playground feature, monkey bars help develop upper body strength and coordination.


Swings remain a popular choice for playgrounds, providing endless entertainment for children. Offer a variety of swing options, including traditional belt swings, bucket swings for toddlers, and adaptive swings for children with disabilities.

Exciting Slides

Slides are an indispensable part of any playground, offering children a thrilling experience. Consider incorporating a mix of slide types and sizes, such as:

Straight slides: Classic, simple, and suitable for most age groups.

Spiral slides: These add an exciting twist to the traditional slide experience.

Tube slides: Enclosed slides offer a unique sensory experience and can be installed both indoors and outdoors.

Multi-User Equipment

Multi-user equipment encourages cooperation, teamwork, and social skills among children. Examples of such equipment include:

See-saws: A timeless playground feature, see-saws promote balance and coordination while encouraging children to work together.

Tug-of-war stations: These allow children to engage in friendly competition while building strength and teamwork skills.

Group spinners: Large spinning platforms that accommodate multiple children help develop balance, coordination, and social skills as they work together to keep the equipment moving.

Spinning Equipment: Adding a Unique Element to Traditional Playground Equipment

Spinning equipment adds a distinctive and exhilarating element to any playground. Some popular spinning options include:

Merry-go-rounds: A classic playground feature, merry-go-rounds provide a fun and engaging spinning experience for multiple users.

Stand-alone spinners: These include single or multi-user equipment, such as spinning cups or saucers, that offer a variety of 

spinning speeds and sensations.

Gyro spinners: These innovative pieces of equipment provide a combination of spinning and tilting movements, challenging children's balance and coordination.

Shade Structures

Shade structures protect children from harmful UV rays and help keep the playground comfortable during hot summer days. Consider the following options for shading your playground:

Shade sails: These versatile and cost-effective solutions can be customised to fit any space and provide ample coverage.

Permanent structures: Built using materials such as metal or wood, permanent shade structures offer a more durable and long-lasting solution.

Natural shade: Planting trees or incorporating existing trees into your playground design provides an environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing shade option.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Regular maintenance and upkeep are essential to ensure the safety, longevity, and appeal of your playground. Develop a maintenance plan that includes:

Regular inspections: Conduct routine checks for wear, damage, or potential hazards. Address any issues promptly to prevent accidents and prolong the life of your equipment.

Cleaning: Keep the playground clean and free from debris, leaves, and litter. Regularly sanitise high-touch surfaces to prevent the spread of germs.

Surface maintenance: Monitor the condition of your playground surfacing, repairing or replacing areas that show signs of wear or damage.

Replacement parts: Keep a stock of replacement parts for equipment, such as swing seats and chains, to minimise downtime and ensure a safe and enjoyable playground experience for all.

Environmental Considerations

As sustainability becomes a more significant concern, incorporating eco-friendly features into commercial playground equipment is crucial. Consider the following environmental considerations:

Recyclable Materials: Choose equipment made from recyclable materials to reduce the environmental impact and promote responsible resource use.

Energy-Efficient Lighting: If your playground is used in the evenings, consider installing energy-efficient lighting options to minimise energy consumption.

Native Plants: When landscaping around the playground, opt for native plants that require less water and maintenance, contributing to biodiversity.

Educational Components

Transforming the playground into an educational space enhances its value. Consider adding features that stimulate learning and cognitive development:

Educational Signage: Install educational signs with fun facts, puzzles, or interactive elements that encourage children to learn while they play.

Alphabet or Number Themes: Incorporate equipment that introduces letters or numbers, promoting early literacy and numeracy skills.

Themed Play Areas: Create themed play zones based on educational concepts, fostering imaginative play and cognitive development.

Technology Integration

Incorporate technology elements that align with modern play preferences while maintaining a balance with physical activity:

Interactive Play Panels: Install touch-sensitive or interactive panels that engage children with educational games, puzzles, or art activities.

Digital Fitness Games: Integrate digital games that promote physical activity, coordination, and teamwork while utilising technology.

Augmented Reality (AR) Elements: Explore the integration of AR elements that enhance the play experience and offer a blend of physical and virtual engagement.

Customisation Options

Allow for flexibility and customisation to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the community or organisation:

Modular Play Structures: Choose modular components that can be rearranged or expanded to adapt to changing needs or preferences.

Themed Playgrounds: Create themed play areas based on community interests, local history, or natural surroundings to make the playground unique and culturally relevant.

Community Input: Seek input from the community, including parents, educators, and children, to understand their preferences and ensure the playground meets their expectations.

Accessibility Standards

To ensure inclusivity, adhere to accessibility standards that accommodate children of all abilities:

Wheelchair Accessibility: Designate pathways and play areas that are accessible to children using wheelchairs, promoting an inclusive environment.

ADA-Compliant Equipment: Ensure that playground equipment complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines to provide a universally accessible space.

Inclusive Seating: Include seating options that accommodate individuals with mobility challenges or parents with strollers.

Community Gathering Spaces

Enhance the social aspect of the playground by incorporating spaces for community gatherings:

Picnic Areas: Integrate picnic tables or seating areas to encourage families and caregivers to spend more time in the playground.

Event Spaces: Designate areas that can host community events, performances, or gatherings, fostering a sense of community engagement.

Local Art Installations

Incorporate art elements that showcase the creativity and culture of the local community:

Mural Walls: Designate spaces for mural installations, allowing local artists or children to contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the playground.

Sculptures or Installations: Integrate three-dimensional art pieces that serve as both visual attractions and play elements.

Interactive Art Stations: Include stations where children can engage in artistic activities, promoting creativity and self-expression.

Local Wildlife Integration

Enhance the natural experience by integrating features that attract local wildlife:

Birdhouses and Feeders: Install birdhouses and feeders to attract birds, providing an opportunity for children to observe and learn about local wildlife.

Butterfly Gardens: Include plants that attract butterflies, creating a vibrant and educational space within the playground.

Educational Signage: Add signs that provide information about the local flora and fauna, promoting awareness and environmental education.